Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adventures of the last few weeks.

I'm guessing a few of you have been wondering what is going on over here at the Schmelzers the last couple of weeks. We have been super busy. Leo was back at the Dr. again last Monday he just didn't seem to be getting over his ear infection. Turns out his ears are all cleared up, he caught a virus and his throat was bright red. We were very grateful that his ears had cleared up and he didn't need shots or new tubes put in. Last Thursday I felt so bad with a sore throat and headache that Leo and I stayed home and slept until 11:30. Its only the last couple of days that Leo has started to really feel better. No such luck for me. I'm home today and have a Dr. appt for this afternoon. Part of the reason we aren't getting better faster is that we aren't letting the sickness slow us down. Josh has been home the past two weeks and we've wanted to spend time with him. We all went to the zoo and had a good time. And we went to see the Disney christmas Carol train when it was here this past weekend. We also had some friends over for fondue. Saturday David had to skip pipes so that I could go to work for a few hours. Then Saturday night I had a bellydance show. It was so much fun. We are taking a small break and then right back at practices for the Oct 30 show. Little Hafla of Horrors.

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